Junior Farm Manager

Carthage is an agricultural company that produces papaya, ginger, litchi and macadamia in Mozambique.

The farm is situated 70 km from the Lebombo border post.

The candidate needs to have his own transport, but transport will be provided on the farm.

There are currently three production managers and their families living on the farm.

The following attributes will be beneficial for the application:

  • Tertiary qualification in agriculture
  • Computer literacy (Especially Microsoft Office – Excel & Word)
  • Proficiency in Siswati/Isizulu/Tsonga 
  • Experience in the cultivation of subtropical crops and vegetables
  • A person who does not require micro-management
  • A person who can think on his feet and can independently make a plan
  • The ability to motivate and manage 150 + labourers
  • A person who gives attention to detail
  • A can-do attitude

We will finalize a shortlist of candidates by the 10th of March. If you have not heard from us by the 15th of March you can accept that your application was unsuccessful.

Please send your CV to adminmanager@neofresh.net 

Junior Plaasbestuurder

Carthage is n landboumaatskappy wat papaja, gemmer, lietsjie en makadamia verbou in Mosambiek.

Die plaas is 70 km geleë vanaf die Lebombo grenspos.

Die aangewese persoon sal sy eie voertuig moet besit, maar vir beweging op die plaas sal vervoer verskaf word.

Daar is reeds 3 ander produksiebestuurders en hulle gesinne op die plaas.

Die volgende eienskappe sal voordelig wees vir die aansoek:

  • Tersiêre kwalifikasie in enige landbourigting
  • Rekenaarvaardig (Veral Microsoft Office – Excel & Word)
  • Vaardigheid in Siswati/Isizulu/Tsonga 
  • Ervaring in die verbouing van subtropiese gewasse en/of groente
  • ‘n Persoon wat nie mikrobestuur benodig nie
  • ‘n Persoon wat op sy/haar voete kan dink en planne maak
  • Die vermoë om 150+ arbeiders te motiveer en bestuur
  • ‘n Persoon wat aan detail aandag gee

Ons sal n kortlys van die Cv`s finaliseer teen die 10de Maart en as ons nie reageer het op jou epos voor die 15de Maart nie, kan jy anvaar dat jou aansoek onsuksesvol was.

Stuur asb alle Cv`s na adminmanager@neofresh.net 

Packhouse Manager

Carthage is an agricultural company that produces and packs papaya, ginger, litchi and macadamia in Mozambique.

The farm is situated 70 km from the Lebombo border post.

The candidate needs to have his/her own transport, but transport will be provided on the farm.

There are currently three production managers and their families living on the farm.

The following attributes will be beneficial for the application:

  • Tertiary qualification in agriculture
  • Computer literacy (Especially Microsoft Office – Excel & Word)
  • Proficiency in Siswati/Isizulu/Tsonga 
  • Experience in the packing of subtropical crops and vegetables
  • Experience in Logistical management 
  • A person who does not require micro-management
  • A person who can think on his/her feet and can independently make a plan
  • Experience in Stock Control
  • The ability to motivate and manage 150 + labourers
  • A person who gives attention to detail
  • A can-do attitude

We will finalize a shortlist of candidates by the 10th of March. If you have not heard from us by the 15th of March you can accept that your application was unsuccessful.

Please send your CV to adminmanager@neofresh.net 

Pakhuis Bestuurder

Carthage is n landboumaatskappy wat papaja, gemmer, lietsjie en makadamia verbou en verpak in Mosambiek.

Die plaas is 70 km geleë vanaf die Lebombo grenspos.

Die aangewese persoon sal sy/haar eie voertuig moet besit, maar vir beweging op die plaas sal vervoer verskaf word.

Daar is reeds 3 ander produksiebestuurders en hulle gesinne op die plaas.

Die volgende eienskappe sal voordelig wees vir die aansoek:

  • Tersiêre kwalifikasie in enige landbourigting
  • Rekenaarvaardig (Veral Microsoft Office – Excel & Word)
  • Vaardigheid in Siswati/Isizulu/Tsonga 
  • Agtergrond in die verpakking van subtropiese gewasse en groente
  • Ervaring in Logistieke bestuur 
  • ‘n Persoon wat nie mikrobestuur benodig nie
  • ‘n Persoon wat op sy/haar voete kan dink en planne maak
  • Ervaring in Voorraadbeheer
  • Die vermoë om 150+ arbeiders te motiveer en bestuur
  • ‘n Persoon wat aan detail aandag gee

Ons sal n kortlys van die Cv`s finaliseer teen die 10de Maart en as ons nie reageer het op jou epos voor die 15de Maart nie, kan jy anvaar dat jou aansoek onsuksesvol was.

Stuur asb alle Cv`s na adminmanager@neofresh.net